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MTX offers a wide range of services in order to assist the customer during all phases of the life of a product and / or project.

The Company has a design and development team which uses its experience both for the realization of products for meteorological monitoring and for the definition of project solutions that meets the needs of customers.

An installation and commissioning service is available which covers all project phases: starting from the identification of the ideal installation site and ending up with the commissioning in the field of the elements that make up the station or the monitoring network.

Full service maintenance contracts are carried out through periodical scheduled operations and on call in relation to system faults. The MTX maintenance program represent a synthesis between the prescriptions of the user and service manuals and the experience in the field gained over the years by its engineers.

The MTX laboratory is fitted with tools for the simulation of physical parameters typical of meteorological monitoring and with measuring instruments that are periodically calibrated at Authorized Centres.

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MTX Srl - Head office and Headquarters
Via Zamboni, 74
41011 Campogalliano (MO)
C.F. e P.IVA 04343730281
R.E.A. 370886
Capitale sociale: 100.000 Euro i.v.
Tel.: +39 059 2551150
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