
Customer relation management is a main key for building solid, long-lasting professional relationships with our customers. Already from the first contacts, the staff of MTX tries to identify the solution that best fits to their needs.

The care and attention dedicated to the services of design, the calibration of the instruments, the remote support and the field maintenance has already convinced many customers to select MTX for the realization and the maintenance of their environmental monitoring networks.

The presence of the Company is distributed over the entire Italian territory. Main customers, both public and private, are: ARPA (regional environment protection agencies), Regions, State Forestry Corps, Air Force, Regional Agencies for Agricultural Development Services, Consortium for the defense of the territory, Research Institutions, Municipalities, multi-service, systems integrators...

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MTX Srl - Head office and Headquarters
Via Zamboni, 74
41011 Campogalliano (MO)
C.F. e P.IVA 04343730281
R.E.A. 370886
Capitale sociale: 100.000 Euro i.v.
Tel.: +39 059 2551150
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