
The Company offers a wide range of sensors and weather stations for the monitoring of the most important meteorological parameters.

MTX products and systems are designed and built through the use of high class materials in order to guarantee high level performances in line with the actual state of the art.

All equipment is has an excellent resistance against mechanical stress and corrosive actions, typical for outside installations. Materials like stainless steel, aluminum, polycarbonate added to glass are used in order to avoid fast deterioration due to solar radiation and thermal stress.

All sensors are realized in respect of the WMO (World Meteorological Organization) directives.

MTX disposes of an well equipped laboratory for the calibration services of sensors. Primary sensors, used for these services, are regularly calibrated at Authorized Centres.

All products do respect EMC standards and are protected against electrical noise on communication and power lines.

ISO 9001
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MTX Srl - Head office and Headquarters
Via Zamboni, 74
41011 Campogalliano (MO)
C.F. e P.IVA 04343730281
R.E.A. 370886
Capitale sociale: 100.000 Euro i.v.
Tel.: +39 059 2551150
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