
Meteorology is a science that observes and measures atmospheric physical phenomena, such as wind, temperature, humidity, solar radiation, pressure. The ultimate goal is to generate the input for the creation of forecasting models.

In support of those who work in meteorology, MTX offers a wide range of high quality instruments, all conform to the WMO directives and national regulations.

The accuracy of the products guarantees a precise and continuous monitoring of meteorological variables. All products are certified within the Companies laboratories.

The Company’s structure is characterized by a solution oriented organization. Its sensors can be integrated with data acquisition modules, software applications and installation materials in order to realize the required meteorological monitoring system.

The reliability of the measures obtained through the use of MTX products is guaranteed by a thirty years’ experience and a countless number of applications realized in Italy and abroad.

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MTX Srl - Head office and Headquarters
Via Zamboni, 74
41011 Campogalliano (MO)
C.F. e P.IVA 04343730281
R.E.A. 370886
Capitale sociale: 100.000 Euro i.v.
Tel.: +39 059 2551150
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