Wind direction sensor

The sensor FAR305xx is made up of a vane rotating around a vertical axis, designed to be always aligned to the wind direction. The vane is placed at the end of a counterbalanced support and it's joint to the rotating vertical axis. All the rotating group is linked on stainless steel bearings with low friction, this allows a very high sensitivity.

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Wind speed sensor

The sensor FAR203xx is provided with a Robinson 3 cup rotor which rotates around a vertical axis. This element is mounted on the top of the sensor body and is joint to an internal axis which is linked to stainless steel bearings with low friction in order to increase sensor sensitivity.

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Wind speed sensor (frequency output)

The sensor FAR2xxxx is provided with a Robinson 3 cup rotor which rotates around a vertical axis. This element is mounted on the top of the sensor body and is joint to an internal axis which is linked to stainless steel bearings with low friction in order to increase sensor sensitivity.

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Ultrasonic wind speed and direction sensor

The Compact Weather Sensor PCTAN012 is belongs to the product family of professional intelligent measurement transducers with digital interface for environmental applications. For extreme conditions (eg. marine environments, wind turbines), it available a metal version.

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3-axis ultrasonic anemometer

 The PCTAN034 is the ultimate solution for precise wind monitoring in any environment. Specifically suitable for applications such as:

  • Wind farm monitoring
  • Automatic Weather Stations (AWS)
  • Buildings, constructions and bridges control
  • Ports, airports and heliports
  • Road and railway tunnels

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