Acquisition systems

The MTX data acquisition systems are the result of its long experience in the field of electronics on support of (agro) meteorological, hydrological and other environmental applications which require the monitoring of physical parameters.

They are designed to function properly in the hardest conditions, both from an environmental as well as from an electrical point of view.

MTX offers the data acquisition system “MeteoDAS®” which represents a very powerful tool. It comes with a Linux OS installed and is designed to minimize power consumption, ideal for the installation in remote applications.

The system has a web interface for configuration and data retrieval, accessible through Ethernet or through GPRS. Data can automatically be sent also to different FTP server.

The system can be equipped with a software module that integrates specific algorithms for the “real time” monitoring of precipitation. Through threshold settings, the datalogger can send early warning messages to the Control Centre while field staff in charge of environmental control can be alerted by means of SMS.

At the same time, the device is able to activate acoustic and flashing alarm systems in order to inform the population about risk conditions.

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Via Zamboni, 74
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Capitale sociale: 100.000 Euro i.v.
Tel.: +39 059 2551150
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