MINA - Web Application Meteo

For viewing and analysing the data of the monitoring stations, MTX offers MINA PDD00028, a web application created with the most recent open-source technologies, easy and intuitive to use, made available also through cloud installation managed by a major Cloud Solution Provider.

For viewing and analysing the data of the monitoring stations, MTX offers MINA, a web application created with the most recent open-source technologies, easy and intuitive to use, made available also through cloud installation managed by a major Cloud Solution Provider.

MINA stores the measurements and alarms sent by the monitoring stations within its database and returns them to the user through an intuitive web interface that offers all necessary features for the consultation of  the meteorological data and the status of the network activities.

User access can be done by means of a common internet browser according to a custom user profile in terms of data consultation and available system features, in order to support the customer with secure and flexible methods for data management.

The geolocation of the monitoring stations on the map is an extremely effective way of representing data. The display of the actual status of the measurements, received from the stations, allows an early detection of meteorological phenomena on a territorial basis.  Critical conditions can be immediately highlighted through the use of specific thematic synoptics.

A station panel groups the complete information of the field installation: measurements, station status and data collection situation.

The collected measurements can be automatically compared with threshold values in order to highlight potential critical situations.

For data analysis, graphical and grid comparison instruments are available. An intuitive and flexible set of filters allow the user to select stations, measurements and time intervals.

MINA also provides presentation methods specifically designed for meteorological measurements, such as the wind rose and the meteogram.

Pdf MINA - Web Application Meteo

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